Besides Him, no other love
宇宙的奧妙是用思考與觀察也無法滲透的,ARTINA TANG以最單純且直接的方式,將她心中最感動、最深刻的聲音與對話,透過數百年的岩石所蘊育而成的天然寶石來完成。
It is hard to fully comprehend the mystery of universe by mere observation and reasoning. While using a simple and straight way, Artina Tang, through listening and dialogues with her deeply touching heart, consummate this via gems that is formed within rocks millions of years ago.
因為對設計的堅持,ARTINA TANG精心挑選每顆以原始的型態呈現,沒有經過人工處理的寶石,因此隨著歲月的累積,倍添典藏的價值,更經由世代的傳承,突顯藝術之永恆。